If you are thinking to come to our retreat in France in summer 2020 then this one day deep is a good way to meet the organizers and see their vision!
Join us for one day and get a taste of DEEP – develop your potential and remember, how beautiful life is when you’re simply being and enjoying.
A gathering, to dance, to breathe, touch, listen to sacred music, sing, share & be together.
DEEP is a place where you can meet people, be touched by the workshops and music and enter a state of acceptance and love.
DEEP is a manifestation by a unique group of five:
Praful, the world-touring sound magician; Lale, the alchemist, and ecstatic dance facilitator; Elie, the soundscaping mystic; Marcoleon, the shamanic doctor; Vimal, the love-channeling healer.
Together we create the perfect circumstances for you to grow, develop and shine your light.
From the pool of possibilities, we allow the actual program to unfold in the moment – and that’s part of the magic! Elements of Live music, Dance Shamanic & Tantric Practices are always part of our events.
more info about DEEP: www.deep-retreat.com
Saturday 18th January
doors open at 10:30
Entrance € 42 (online)
€ 47 (at the door)
* Bring your own food and drinks to share – it’s potluck style.
* Bring a meditation cushion and blanket for the restful moments.
Bar Beton Rijnsweerd
Pythagoraslaan 101 (Pyth gebouw)
3584 BB Utrecht
Contact: 06-24546032
Behind the Bar Beton building in the Galileïlaan at the left-hand side. The only way to get there is via Biltsestraatweg/Archimedeslaan. Walk to the middle of the Galileilaan and just before the barrier (slagboom) turn to the main parking to walk to Bar Beton.
Or – when standing in front of Bar Beton – take the left parking entrance with “welkom bij de sterren” written above. Drive while following the white arrow on the floor to the left. After 20 meters there’s an almost unseen bridge on your right hand side, cross over and you’ll arrive at the other side of the Galileïlaan. Parking on both sides.
Above the ramp next to the entrance of Bar Beton €2,50 an hour.
Under the Bar Beton building for €1,50 an hour.
For both these options, you need a bank card in order to open the barriers.