Author: Eli

inners fears

Inner fears, time to face it

A global and massive shift in consciousness is happening.  So far, in my personal experiences, a shift in consciousness has never happened without bringing its load of fear, chaos, confusion, and inner war. Sometimes in such furious ways that it…

Soul Eyes

Be At Home No Matter Where You Are

While transitioning towards the new consciousness, we will inevitably come to realize that our experiences are not defined by the circumstances of our life, but rather by the way we perceive our environment. In other words, what we believe about…


How to Master Relationships

In my quest to understand the dynamic of intimate relationships I found a simple model/map to understand the mechanisms of protection and vulnerability that surface in relationships.  This model is inspired by the book Face to Face with Fear by…

sensitive being

Are You An Over-Sensitive Soul?

The past few weeks, I realized how much stress I have in my system and how important it is to calm down, relax my body and stop the flow of thoughts. It is not something new for me, but when it becomes a usual state, we become easily…

lovers meditation

The Art Of Conscious Relationships

Sometimes it is difficult to express certain feelings to your beloved, especially when it triggers deep fears or pain inside us. When this happens, we often react with blame towards our beloved, trying to avoid feeling what is really there….

A New Earth is Emerging

A new Earth is emerging, where love becomes the only answer to endless questions. In fact, this world has always been here, waiting for the eyes that would see it. We are not living in an evolving world, we are…

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